We actively promote inclusion, equality of opportunity, the valuing of diversity and British Values.
The Equality Act 2010 underpins standards of behaviour and incorporates both British and universal values. We have a legal obligation not to directly or indirectly discriminate against, harass or victimise those with protected characteristics. We make reasonable adjustments to procedures, criteria and practices to ensure that those with protected characteristics are not at a substantial disadvantage. As we are in receipt of public funding we also have a public sector equality duty to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance quality of opportunity, foster good relations and publish information to show compliance with the duty.
Social and emotional development is shaped by early experiences and realationships and incorporates elements of equality and British and universal values. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) supports children's earliest skills so that they can become social citizens in an age-appropriate way. The children are encouraged and supported to listen and follow instructions, know the difference between themselves and others; make and maintain friendships; develop empathy and consideration of other people; take turns in play and conversation; avoid risk and take notice of rules and boundaries; learn not to hurt/upset other people with words and actions and understand the consequences of hurtful/discriminatory behaviour.

Cornerstones Values